3 Villages Spawn Minecraft Bedrock Seed
March 2019

This 3 villages at spawn Minecraft Bedrock Seed is awesome because you spawn close to 3 villages, a desert temple, an Abandoned Mineshaft, and a zombie spawner both in a ravine. Its also sweet because you have a few different biomes around spawn which is always sweet including a swampland. There are also quite a few flower fields which is pretty sweet. I even include coordinates for an ocean monument and a couple of shipwrecks outside of spawn map.
3 Villages at Spawn Minecraft Bedrock Seed Video
This video is of the seed starting from spawn. I fly over the map to all of the great stuff so you can see what to expect before loading the seed.
3 Villages Spawn Minecraft Bedrock Seed
Seed: 1999449451
World Type: Infinite
Found: March 23, 2019
Better Together Version (Xbox, VR, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10, and Mobile)
In order for you to create the same seed, you will need to use the seed number (including a “-“ if there is one) as well as use the same world type for this Bedrock edition/Better Together seed. If you don’t use the same world type you won’t get the same map.
Spawn Point
621, 71, 5
1st Oak Village beside Spawn
677, 72, 181
2nd Oak Village beside Spawn
845, 69, 22
3rd Savannah Village with a Blacksmith
341, 70, 414
Desert Temple
314, 65, 202
Zombie Spawner in Ravine
346, 42, 968
Abandoned Mineshaft in Ravine
Spider Spawner
456, 29, 704
447, 23, 700
Pumpkin patch
432, 80, -68
227, 65, 82
Lg double Ravine
130, 72, 635
Outside Spawn Map
Oak Village
287, 70, 1348
362, 63, 154
Ocean Monument
-171, 56, 2396
Shipwreck with Treasure Map
348, 31, 2732
163, 47, 2593
Nether Fortress
Blaze Spawner
94, 69, 362
Nether Wart
119, 59, 317
96, 60, 319
97, 60, 325
107, 60, 293
72, 53, 323
End Portal
301, 35, 1329
251, 37, 1378
244, 37, 1369
245, 34, 1349
313, 32, 1348
Room with Chest
307, 34, 1386
Diamonds near Stronghold
167, 12, 1267
135, 12, 1262
136, 13, 1244
The End
Gateway Portal Spawn Point
384, 76, 1217
End City
996, 74, 2640
End Ship
927, 100, 2642
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