Village Mineshaft Spawn Seed MAR 2019
This seed is quite amazing for two different reasons, there are 4 villages on spawn map, they all have a blacksmith, and the other reason is that directly under spawn point is an Abandoned Mineshaft with a Zombie Spawner in a dungeon in the mineshaft. Needless to say I had to share it. Even the Stronghold is under water but completely exposed which is pretty sweet. There are coordinates.

Village Mineshaft Spawn Seed MAR 2019
Village Mineshaft
Spawn Seed
Seed: -1640799908
World Type: Infinite
Found: March 1, 2019
Better Together Version (Xbox, VR, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10, and Mobile)
Seed Gallery
In order for you to create the same seed, you will need to use the seed number (including a “-“ if there is one) as well as use the same world type for this Bedrock edition/Better Together seed. If you don’t use the same world type you won’t get the same map.
1592, 68, 5
Spawn Map
1st Village beside Spawn with a Blacksmith
1605, 71, 116
Abandoned Mineshaft under Spawn
1592, 22, 4
Dungeon with Zombie Spawner Under Spawn, in Mineshaft
1583, 26, 31
Spider Spawner
1523, 19, -61
Chest in Minecart
1541, 27, -49
1543, 22, -77
1525, 18, -77
4 Diamond blocks under Spawn in Mineshaft
1548, 14, -33
2nd Lg Oak Village with a Blacksmith
2062, 65, 115
3rd Lg Oak Village with a Blacksmith
2317, 68, 292
4th Lg Oak Village with a Blacksmith
2328, 68, 150
2443, 36, -455
2002, 53, -448
Pumpkin Patch
1563, 69, -294
2007, 74, 430
Small Ravine
2168, 68, 9
Outside Spawn Map
Ocean Monument
1177, 61, -696
1315, 56, -426
The End Stronghold
The End Portal
1294, 32, -894
Chest in Room
1258, 41, -928
1276, 38, -927
1277, 48, -937
The End
Gateway Portal Spawn
-998, 65, -324
End City
-842, 74, -626
End Ship
-842, 136, -723
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